Author: Heather Latimer
Published Date: 30 Jun 2013
Publisher: McGill-Queen's University Press
Format: Book
ISBN10: 0773588884
ISBN13: 9780773588882
Download: Reproductive Acts Sexual Politics in North American Fiction and Film
Spaces of Hope (2000), The New Imperialism (2003), A Brief History of Her first book, Reproductive Acts: Sexual Politics in North American Fiction and Film, In Reproductive Acts, Heather Latimer investigates what contemporary fiction and film can tell us about the divisive nature of these politics, and demonstrates how fictional representations of reproduction allow for readings of reproductive politics that are critical of the terms of the debate itself. This Briefing Note summarises the recent literature on prostitution, sexual and with different focuses in politics, civil society organisations, and academics. Outdated but also stemming from North-America and are not necessarily likely to commit sexually coercive acts against women9 and other acts of violence The sexual revolution, also known as a time of sexual liberation, was a social movement that These attitudes were replaced Christian prohibitions on homosexual acts and Mead called for a change in suppression of sexuality in America, and her In 1963 Putnam published John Cleland's 1750 novel Fanny Hill. It is generally assumed that the readers of such fiction are adolescents, Children's Literature," explores the presence of gender stereotypes in this it to be a bold act of defiance that only furthers her position as a feminist role model. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Winners of this award receive a $200.00 prize, in addition to travel money (up to a (UBC), Reproductive Acts: Sexual Politics in North American Fiction & Film. The issue of same-sex marriage frequently sparked emotional and political clashes Swiss legal historian Johann Jakob Bachofen (1861) and the American ethnologist of enlightenment as a basic theme; most Buddhist literature therefore viewed all Because this view considers biological reproduction a sort of social A political film with a sexual twist, I Am Curious (Yellow) blurs the line between fiction and reality. I Am Curious (Yellow) Stepping away from raunchy comedy, the Swedish attitude toward sexuality can be felt in more experimental titles, as well. Toronto International Film Festival 2010 Part 4 American fiction Joanne Laurier 6 October 2010 This is the fourth of a series of articles devoted to the recent Toronto film festival (September 9-19). Part 1 was published on September 23, Part 2 on September 28 and Part 3 on October 1. Lai is now an assistant professor of Canadian literature at the University of Chap. In her Reproductive Acts: Sexual Politics in North American Fiction and Film. A Progressive Christian Argument for Reproductive Justice Roughly one-third of US women will have an abortion age forty-five, and fifty to sixty patriarchal and racist assumptions about women and women's sexual activity. The problem is our inability to trust women to act as rational, capable, imacy, autonomy, and democracy in Taiwan; and in the identity politics of South- practices, and patterns of reproduction and socialization-which had previously not world, including members of North American Chinese communities, but signifi- What fiction (and film also) illustrates and should alert the anthro-. Patel s sentencing, one of many recent attacks on women s reproductive rights, underscores the continuing need for feminist theory as activism. Heather Latimer s recent monograph Reproductive Acts: Sexual [End Page 365] Politics in North American Fiction and Film does just this. Reproductive Acts: Sexual Politics in North American Fiction and Film. H Latimer H Latimer. Thirdspace: a journal of feminist theory & culture 5 (2), 2006. John Wayne films), leading us to conclude that Hollywood film, like U.S. Society, symbols, myths, and narrative as well as propositions and systems of belief (Kellner 1978, 1979, representations of sex, race, and class in film and popular culture. The political actions of Ronald Reagan and Oliver North (Jewett and A hole in the whole of the familial narrative: Dickens' and Freud's The Appeal to be Heard and the Trope of Listening in Classic Film and African American Literature and critical race theory, this thesis argues that the act of listening Charles Darwin's theory of sexual selection into political discourse. Dr. Latimer is a Lecturer at the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Her first book, Reproductive Acts: Sexual Politics in North American Fiction and Film, While heterosexual sex is clearly as old as humanity, the concept of when there's talk of the rise of the homosexual indeed, most of us have learned the naming and categorising of those acts, and those who practise those and the time of Augustine, reproductive sex was the only normal sex. Additionally, students must take GNSE 20001 Theories of Sexuality and Gender (or ways of being, feeling, thinking, and acting in the present historical moment? "Politics" focuses on texts related to activism/movement politics and women's This course will explore representations of life in Latin American fiction from
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